Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Is it not also true then that insanity would be doing different things over and over again and fearing the same result?
Every path in life is different, in part because each of us is different. We change, we grow, we may regress – with every step of the way. Our lives are different moment to moment, so assuming that what once was will be again or that the steps and events that led us to a place in the past are the same that will get us to a similar place in the future is quite simply illogical. In truth, it may or it may not be.
Thus, what once made us happy may not do so in the future. Or in this case, the very fact that we were once unhappy does not mean we will forever be, especially when you consider that things change…we change…life changes…and thus we must accept that – good or bad – the events of the past will not necessarily be the events of the future. After all, we have a choice…one in which we can choose to make a different life for ourselves – the one we see fit to live.
Happiness awaits. Now get to it.