There is a psychological principle that can be applied to daily life and our pursuit of happiness. When one is about to run into a tree, do not look at the tree, but rather where you want to go – typically away from the tree. The mind naturally leads you in the direction that you are focused on as it processes information in a very direct manner. Thus, if you focus on where you don’t want to go – your brain will take you there, ignoring the don’t part of the equation. You already know this if you have ever told yourself “Don’t do XYZ” and what happened? You did XYZ.
So how does this apply to our lives? Simple really. Focus on what you want to happen – your goals, your Dreams, your life passions – and not the things that stand in your way. If you can’t fathom a path beyond a roadblock, how will you ever get around it?
As Randy Pausch said, “Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show how badly we want something.” Appreciate the brick walls for the value they bring to your journey, but don’t focus on them. Instead, turn your attention on what’s behind them and let the path lead your way.