Our paths cross, however brief, and for a time we share a connection – a bond forged through an encounter. We share meaning and purpose as we come together for a single moment. Then we part, pursue our separate ways, having shared a common history and a piece of ourselves with another, even if only on a […]
Author Archives: David Carson
To Fill the Void Within
How do you fill the void when what was is no longer? Do you choose to fill it with the pieces of yourself? You may find, as some have, a part of yourself to be renewed in the gaps of the present moment with the goal of coming to terms with the past – a final […]
Acceptance of That Which Was
Acceptance is more than just an acknowledgment of an occurrence. It is an understanding of the impact on our lives. It is identifying the tumultuous emotions – the sadness, anger, pain, hopelessness – that threaten to consume us with such Darkness and despair that we question if there was ever anything but. We all carry […]
Following Your Dream: Khan Academy
Inspirational video about a man with a Dream. 33-year-old Salman Khan quit his highly lucrative job at a hedge fund to devote himself to teaching students around the world for free. All without leaving his home. What would you do for your Dream?
The Desire to Fail
The desire to fail on the way to reaching a bigger goal is the untold secret to success. – Seth Godin, Tribes In Tribes, bestselling author Seth Godin explains how there are plenty of Dreams out in the world and plenty of people with those Dreams. Thus, it’s not a lack of ideas and Dreams, […]
Video: The Surprising Truth of What Motivates Us
Bestselling author Daniel Pink describes intrinsic motivation in his book Drive and how that motivation can be both cultivated or diminished by the way in which we evaluate our choices and the “rewards” we receive from them. I had the opportunity to hear Dan speak and then attend a lunch with him afterwards. He provides […]
Does Functional Happiness Require Us to be Dreamers or Doers?
There was an article I wrote that discussed author Scott Belsky‘s approach to Making Ideas Happen. In it, we are asked if each of us is a Dreamer, a Doer or an Incrementalist. Here’s what the article said: The Dreamer is the one who – for lack of a better word – dreams up the ideas. The Doer […]
The Journey of Happiness
As we travel along our path from here to there, wherever you decide your “there” to be, it is natural to reflect on the steps that brought us to this point thus far. And as we encounter moments of difficulty and trials of growth, we may find ourselves wishing to return to a time in […]
How Do You Rebuild a Life?
How do you rebuild a life, rekindling the flame of a human spirit that has been all but extinguished? How do you start anew when everything you have known has seemingly come to an end? With a step, a spark, a genesis of something more that lays the foundational elements of our lives – our […]
Letters of Hope: A Campaign for Change
On a trip to Chicago, I walk by a homeless man asking for change. I wish – no – hope there was something that I could give him that was more than just his next meal. If I could but talk to him, share my story, let him know that there’s more to life – […]