Simple Moments of Inspiration

Life is a series of moments. There are moments that shape us, change us, threaten to either break us apart or forge us into the people we were destined to be. And through it all, life is as much about finding meaning in the moments we live as anything else. It’s easy and often all too convenient to see meaning in the broad, sweeping, life changing ones that alter the very direction in which we were headed. The difficulty lies in finding it in all the ones in between, in the little things within the simplest of moments. These are the easiest to overlook and the hardest to hold on to.

But it’s the simple moments, the ones that happen every day, that make an inspired life. A look, a thought, a seemingly inconsequential action…all hold and transcend time. These are the ones we must treasure, to appreciate for what they bring to our lives.

The question before us then is this: will we only live inspired during the “big” moments or in all the ones that exist in between? For this is what makes the difference between a life of normality and a life of inspiration – it’s living a series of inspired moments connected together through the meaning that we choose to find. And once we make that choice, happiness becomes a natural reflection of the meaning we have found within ourselves.