The Persistent Ache of a Thirst Unquenched

Are you living the life you were meant to live or do you feel an ache somewhere within, a hint of a Dream for something else, something more? We all have a deep desire for meaning from our lives and ourselves. There exists within the recesses of our deepest selves for something greater than what we settle for in the daily monotony of our lives. Do you feel it while the world slumbers and you lie awake, wondering? Sometimes we catch a glimpse out of the corner of our eye only to look and realize it has vanished.  We then question if it was ever really there to begin with and, in our efforts to shield our fragile hearts of the truth, we convince ourselves that it was not.

The quest to find meaning in our lives is not an easy one. It is fraught with difficulty, suffering of our own making and plaguing doubts of the choices we have made. It requires a deep dive into our souls to ask questions that we are afraid of asking for fear of the answers they may bring. It challenges us to face the remnants of Darkness that threaten to steal away our humanity. Yet without doing so, we thirst for something more in our lives. And despite how much we drink, we find the thirst never to be quenched. Perhaps it is because we have been drinking from the wrong glass for far too long?

So the question becomes this: If we want more for our lives, if we have the courage to look beneath the surface to behold the truth of our very selves, where do we start? With a vision – a Dream if you will – of something more. Discover what inspires you, what makes your heart flutter and your mind race at the very thought of possibilities. Allow yourself to Dream and ask the question: what is it that you ache to do, to be, to live for? Find this answer and you will have taken the first step of a journey…to an inspired life. May your travels be all you hope them to be.

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