As we travel along our path from here to there, wherever you decide your “there” to be, it is natural to reflect on the steps that brought us to this point thus far. And as we encounter moments of difficulty and trials of growth, we may find ourselves wishing to return to a time in […]
Tag Archives: Happiness Research
Simple Moments of Inspiration
Life is a series of moments. There are moments that shape us, change us, threaten to either break us apart or forge us into the people we were destined to be. And through it all, life is as much about finding meaning in the moments we live as anything else. It’s easy and often all […]
The Insanity of Happiness
Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Is it not also true then that insanity would be doing different things over and over again and fearing the same result? Every path in life is different, in part because each of us is […]